How to Support Your Child’s Mental Wellbeing

How to Support Your Child’s Mental Health

Whilst your child’s physical health is important, mental health is also a crucial factor in overall wellbeing. Therefore, as a parent, you play a pivotal role in promoting your child’s mental health and acknowledging the initial signs of mental distress. Here are five ways to support your child’s mental wellbeing:

Connect with your child

Bonding with your child is essential and the first step in supporting their mental wellbeing. Therefore, it’s important to take some time out of your busy schedule to spend quality time with one another for meaningful conversations in a distraction free space. This will enable your child to feel secure in expressing themselves openly, confident in identifying their emotions as well as become more comfortable in their relationship with you. Showing your child that you are actively listening to them without any judgement will increase the likelihood of them approaching you with any issues they are faced with in the future.

Watch for behaviour changes

Whilst your child may often have various changes in behaviour over the years, it’s worth noticing when they have become isolated or withdrawn from their friends, family or daily routine, as this is the first sign which indicates that they are experiencing a situation which they need support with processing. In this instance, check in with them and show that they are loved and you’re ready to support them however they need. Also, consider a fun and interactive tool, such as The Growth Mindset Workbook, which will assist them with overcoming challenges and develop their problem solving skills via the 60 creative activities and 7 day journal.

Maintain a routine

Children thrive in familiarity and consistent routines, so creating a weekly schedule for your child to follow will enable them to know what to expect, reducing stress and anxiety. It will also help them to feel safe, develop life skills as well as build healthy habits, leading to positive wellbeing. Moreover, a set schedule will aid you in establishing expectations for your child, so they are able to develop self control. Furthermore, reinforcing clear boundaries will minimise feelings of frustration, whilst offering positive feedback for recognising your child’s efforts or achievements will increase their confidence when they’ve done something well.

Foster healthy relationships

Whilst the relationship between you and your child is of upmost importance, their relationship with other members of the family is also crucial in order for them to acknowledge a network of healthy relationships. This will not only help your child feel supported, but it will also allow them to develop their self confidence and contribute to their sense of identity and belonging, leading to positive wellbeing.

Get professional help if needed

It’s important to be a positive role model to your child and avoid stigmatising mental health by normalising discussions about your own emotions and feelings regularly. However, if there comes a time when you feel that your child requires professional support from a medical practitioner to facilitate their mental wellbeing, then don’t be afraid to ask for help. Having a therapist for teenagers is particularly useful to help them open up.

The bottom line

Establishing a healthy relationship between you and your child as well as keeping transparent through open communication on mental health is essential in creating a safe and secure space for your child to express themselves. However, it is important to accept that sometimes they may find it uncomfortable to talk to you, but rather than becoming resentful or unhappy about this situation, take a positive approach; Decide whether your child will be happy to discuss their issues with someone else, such as an older sibling or grandparent or whether you need to escalate the situation further in order for it to be resolved through medical intervention.

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