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Returning To Work After Maternity Leave

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One of the things many women deliberate over, after going on maternity leave for a few months, is the dreaded return to work. Some choose to put this dismaying topic to the back of their mind, whilst others prefer to plan every detail meticulously, what with all the impending childcare costs. The truth is, at some point in time, every new mother will consider going back to work at some point due to an array of reasons; to meet living costs, for their sanity or simply because they enjoy their work life.

The return to work after maternity leave is something which sneaks up on new mothers very suddenly and becomes something very frightening – the thought of juggling a needy newborn and busy job role is enough to give anyone sleepless nights! Soon, small tasks seem to become enormous missions and it’s no wonder why many online forums are littered with discussions on separation anxiety, depression and a negative outlook on life due to thoughts on returning to work. It seems like society has placed an overwhelming amount of responsibility on new mothers which pressurises them into having both their personal and professional lives together no matter what.

There are mothers who make purees in bulk, ready for the babysitters to use. Mothers who pump in advance, worrying if their baby will take to the bottle. Mothers who contemplate whether their decision of going back to work is really the right one. Mothers who wish there was an alternative to leaving their baby to the hands of strangers. Mothers who all have one thing in common – they reminisce about those first few months fondly, months that have vanished way too fast. If you’re one of those mums, know that you’re doing your best and know that we’re all cheering you on!

If you’re still troubled about your future as a working mum, it will take some time to get into the routine of things, and please don’t try to do it all! Your world has changed forever but with a little planning, you will become more efficient and be able to cherish every moment spent together with your baby. Guilt is a normal human emotion, but knowing that going back to work is a means to providing for your family and will offer you the space for your personal identity, will stop any negative thoughts embedding into your mind. Also, being patient with yourself and developing a support system can do wonders for both you and your baby.

For mums, who are still in the deciding phase, technology has made it so much easier to earn a living from the comfort of your home. Chrissy Weems grew a simple jewellery business, alongside her daughter, into a global company worth $250 million – all from home! There are online marketplaces, such as Etsy, eBay and Amazon, where you can easily sell unwanted items or your own handmade creations to waiting customers.

So, open yourself up to new opportunities and know that you’re not alone.

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